PO Box 275
Junction City, OH 43748-0275
Perry County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society was formed in 1982. The Chapter has been chartered by the State of Ohio as a nonprofit organization.
Benefits of Membership
- subscription to the quarterly newsletter, The Heirlines
- free queries in The Heirlines
- free submission of your ancestor charts to the "Ancestor Chart File" in the MacGahan Genealogy & Local History Room of the Perry County District Library
- opportunity to document your ancestor as a "Perry County Pioneer" through application to the chapter lineage society.
Membership Dues:
Single Membership $15.00
Membership is from January through December. Members joining the middle of the year will receive the back issues of the chapter newsletter for that year. NOTE: We no longer issue membership cards.
Chapter meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of January, March, May, July, September and November, at 12:30 p.m., in the MacGahan Room of the Perry County District Library, 117 S. Jackson Street, New Lexington, Ohio.
Perry County Pioneers Lineage Society
The Perry County Chapter sponsors a lineage society called the “Perry County Pioneers”. Any member of the Chapter who is a direct descendant of a person(s) who resided in the current boundaries of Perry County, on or before 31 December 1830, may become a member of the Perry County Pioneers on the acceptance of an application with documented proof of descent, and the payment of a $25 application fee. Members receive a pin and a certificate. Write to the Chapter for an application, or download here.
The Perry Co. Chapter OGS newsletter, The Heirlines, is published quarterly. The Heirlines reports activities and projects of the Society, and includes genealogical and historical information of interest to researchers with Perry County, Ohio connections. Queries are published free for members. Nonmembers may submit queries for $1.00 each. Send queries to the chapter at:
Perry County Chapter OGS
P.O. Box 275
Junction City, Ohio 43748-0275
Special notice: The Perry County District Library in New Lexington will be building on a new wing, starting this Spring..... possibly breaking ground in late April. The construction will begin near the genealogy room, so our collection has been moved to the main level, near the reference area. The Library staff will guide visitors to our temporary location. You may check with the Chapter at perrycountychapterogs@yahoo.com, if you have any questions regarding the status of the move. We apologize for any inconvenience.